Sit in a quiet space and still yourself, holding your chosen object in your hand(s). I like to close both of my hands around a crystal when I'm charging it. You may choose to light a candle or incense to create a feeling of "sacred space." Close your eyes for better internal focus.
Visualize yourself in your ideal state (with the change you want to see already having happened). Notice all the details of that ideal state - what things look, sound, smell, taste, feel like. Notice HOW YOU FEEL. Now feel to the depths of your being how much you simultaneously desire that state and feel grateful for it in your vision. Speak your intention, aloud or silently, in one powerful sentence. Try to avoid qualifying words like "don't, won't, not, no, etc." and instead phrase things in an affirming way - for example, "I am smoke-free each and every day" instead of "I am not smoking each and every day." Our subconscious brains record things better that way.
Release your focus, perhaps with an exhale, as you send that energy into the object in your hands. Trust that it is now a living symbol for you of the change you're wanting to experience. Stay open and receptive to the ways the universe will respond and converse with you. Not all change can happen immediately; often there are things we need to learn and assimilate on the way to that destination. Watch for people, circumstances, words, etc. that, in an obvious or subtle way, present themselves as opportunities for growth related to your intended goal. Trust that the universe is listening; there IS a conversation happening. The universe also has in mind that which is in the interest of the highest good for the situation; what your soul and the collective soul know is best in terms of outcome. Feel free to repeat this process or the words of your intention in your mind through the day or when you look at the object symbolizing that energy. This can only strengthen the energy of the intention and your relationship to its unfolding.
Visit my Etsy shop to look at handmade Reiki-blessed Chakra Stone Jewelry - perfect for use with Intention Setting...