"What is Reiki?" Reiki is an energy-based bodywork technique that promotes deep relaxation, stress reduction, and healing shift. The word "Reiki" is Japanese in origin and means: Rei (ray) - spiritually guided, Ki (kee) - life energy. It is similar to other forms of energy therapy in that it works with vital life force energy ("ki" in Japanese/"chi" in Chinese/"prana" in Sanskrit/"biofield energy" in modern science), but unique in that it brings in the guiding influence of higher-level spiritual energy as well, to which a practitioner must be specifically attuned in the Reiki training process.
"Tell me more about 'energy' and how energy healing works..." Everything within and around us is energy manifesting in various forms. In scientific terms, it is a matter of electromagnetic waves vibrating at different frequencies, which can show up in ways the five senses can perceive - and beyond, in subtle energy form. Our bodies, then, are made up of both physical and non-physical energetic elements that interact constantly to create our state of being in each moment. Energy healing works with the various layers of the biofield (mental, emotional, physical, spiritual) to clear the path for more freely-flowing life energy and to activate/support the body's natural ability to heal itself while in a state of deep relaxation.
"Who/what/how can Reiki help?" Reiki energy healing works to support the body's return to a state of balanced and freely flowing life energy by releasing blocked/negative energy that is ready for release. These disruptive blockages can manifest as anything from minor aches and pains or anxieties to deeper mental-emotional issues or illness. In its gentle yet powerful way, Reiki has the ability to generate subtle, transformational healing on all levels and functions well as a support modality, as it works to improve the effectiveness of all other types of therapy. Reiki energy healing is a valuable tool to use in effectively managing stress, emotional imbalance or buildup, physical discomfort, habit change, and the personal or spiritual growth process.
"Can Reiki be harmful or do something I don't want?" No. Reiki energy works with the principle of the recipient's highest good, yields to personal will, and is always safe and beneficial. Because it is guided by spiritual consciousness, it can never do harm. An important element of the Reiki energy healing process is a person's openness to its support, so the locus of control is truly with the client at every level.
"Is Reiki a religion? Tell me more about the 'spiritual energy' involved..." While Reiki is spiritual in nature in that it provides a high-vibration level of loving and compassionate energy to the recipient, it is not a religion. It does not need or intent to conflict with religious belief, and for many, it supportively harmonizes with and enhances their religious experience/spiritual growth process. If everything within and around us is energy in various forms, spiritual energy is perhaps a certain level or channel available for our access and healing guidance.
"How does Reiki feel? How does a session go? Will I need multiple sessions?" Since Reiki energy flows through a practitioner's hands, the session process involves gently and comfortably laying hands on or just above the client's body. The client is invited to lay back on a massage/reiki table, fully clothed and covered with a blanket, and relax while allowing the healing energy to flow as needed. The experience is like an energetic massage, during which a client may or may not be aware of subtle energy sensations as shifts take place and supportive connection with a source of deep love and compassion throughout. The practitioner may work on the front and back side of the body, and after a session is finished, the client is given ample time to emerge from the relaxed state and process what has been experienced with the practitioner if desired. A session often leaves the recipient with a renewed sense of clarity, balance, and centeredness...a peaceful, radiant glow. In the hours and days following a session, it can be very helpful to continue to process shifting material by journaling, staying hydrated, resting as needed, etc. Continuous Reiki session work (in-person, distant, or a combination of both) enhances and amplifies the momentum of the transformation process as balance is regularly regained and shifts are continuously achieved at deeper and deeper levels. Package discounts are available for those who feel drawn to this life-enhancing process.
"What is Distant Reiki...how does it work?" Distant Reiki is a technique that enables you to receive energy healing from the comfort of your own space or as you go about your usual routine. Working with Reiki symbols that communicate across energetic pathways from any distance, you can receive just as powerful of a Reiki session as you would in-person. When setting up a Distant Reiki Energy Healing session, you have the option of arranging a specific day and start time (if you would like to be available and consciously present during the energy healing transmission), as well as the option to receive written feedback afterward in the form of session notes.
"Is Reiki a replacement for medical attention?" No. Reiki is a form of subtle energy healing, and while it can generate transformative results, it should not be used as a replacement for necessary medical or psychological care. Reiki practitioners do not diagnose conditions, prescribe/perform medical treatment, or interfere with the treatment of a licensed health care professional. It is recommended that Reiki energy healing be used as a complementary modality to other necessary forms of therapy, and/or under the supervision of an enlightened licensed health care professional.
"Where can I find more information?" Resources: Reiki Frequently Asked Questions...http://www.reiki.org/FAQ/FAQHomepage.html The Center for Reiki Research...http://www.centerforreikiresearch.org/ The Subtle Body: Encyclopedia of Your Energetic Anatomy (book), by Cyndi Dale You also have the option of contacting Angela with any questions (large or small..all questions are good ones) or with a request for more information that may come in the form of resource direction and/or materials attached to an e-mail. Please see the Contact page to get in touch.
For more information about Pricing and Package Options, including options for combining Reiki Energy Healing with Creative Intuitive Counseling services in various ways, go here. For more information about Creative Intuitive Counseling, go here. For information on taking Reiki classes and attuning to the energy yourself, go here.
Client Testimonials....
"My experience with Angela was gentle and beautiful. I could tell upon meeting her that her work was done from a sincere and loving place and I trusted her immediately. I was on the table for an hour and was able to really go deep within and totally relax under her energetic guidance. I felt shifts of energy moving and felt my whole system reset. She's truly a gifted heart-centered healer and I thoroughly enjoyed our time together." - J.U., Fort Collins, CO "If you have the opportunity to receive energy healing with Angela, schedule it now. I've had hundreds of energy healing experiences and Angela is the real deal. Authentic, compassionate, caring...a profoundly gifted healer." - J.M., Fort Collins, CO
"The loving support received from Angela's Distant Reiki sessions are both immediately healing and most affordable. She expertly weaves her Reiki Master skill and intuition, assisting one in tapping into their own guidance and power, for direction and healing. Her post-session notes arrive quickly and are a clear and valuable reference as healing continues. You deserve to feel better, and Angela can help you transform your physical/emotional/mental/spiritual issues in an effective, kind and affordable way."
- R.C., Laramie, WY
"Angela is an amazing person who loves transforming lives through Reiki. She is a living embodiment of Reiki. No ego, all love. She has an amazing gift through Reiki. One session with her was more transformative than a hundred therapy sessions!" - J.H., Fort Collins, CO